The elders of the Longmont Church of Christ believe in sharing the good news and helping others to know Jesus. Our elders have always allocated a disproportionate amount of our resources to missionaries in foreign countries. Currently, we are involved in helping international missionaries in Austria. Belgium, and India. If you’d like more information or would like to be a part of any of these mission efforts, please contact the appropriate liaison.
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For 28 years, Paul has traveled over much of India, establishing churches as he goes. Early on, as the numb
er of his converts and churches grew, he realized the need for the training of new converts who wanted to become ministers. This led to his establishing the World Bible College in Chennai. Through Paul’s and Dorothy’s tireless work, the Church of Christ in India has grown from its four members of 1985 to over 40,000 today. In addition to the Bible College (now educating 100 ministers per year), Paul’s mission efforts include: a Mobile Health Clinic, Mobile Gospel Teams, eight Children’s Homes, a wheelchair distribution service, and a free elementary and high school for the Untouchables and others unable to afford education in India, and a wide distribution of free Bibles and hymnals.